Sunday, May 17, 2015

Birthdays, Birthdays EVERYWHERE!

It is hard to believe but in the last week and a half TWO of the Three Scoops celebrated their birthdays!Enjoy the photo of the two birthday girls taken when baby Annie had just joined our family! Precious Reese, the Scoop that started it all turned eleven and Annie the youngest Scoop turned six! Where does the time go??? Birthdays are fun in this house, always celebrated with singing the birthday song, special birthday cookies or cupcakes and of course a new toy. I am sure that all of you have special ways to celebrate your pup's birthday as well!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Horsin' Around

Here at the farm it is never a boring day. Three miniature horses have moved onto the boarding scene here and it is a sight to see. The funniest part about the whole thing is that Toby and this little guy "Wings" see eye to eye and Toby thinks that is a bit WEIRD for a horse! Thank you to my sister Kelly Anderson-Edwards for sharing this darling photo for all of you to enjoy! Here's to a SMILE for each of you!